What is plagiarism? How
do we define it? What are considered as Plagiarism? and How do we avoid it?
Numerous individuals
think of plagiarism as replicating another's work or getting another person's
unique thoughts. According to my research, The word plagiarism is derived
from the word "kidnapper" in Latin. Plagiarism is using someone else work
without asking for their permission and copying their works without giving
credit. But plagiarism isn't just all about that. It tackles a lot.
- Turning in another person's work as your own. When we were given assignments by our teachers, we
usually used google right? because google provides answers to our
questions. and to make our assignments/projects easier, we just copied it.
and it is considered as plagiarism.
- Replicating words or thoughts from another person
without giving credit. I
think there is no person who wants to be stole with his/her works by other
- Neglecting to put a citation in quotes. Having a quote (") is really important when using
someone's work because this shows that it is not definitely came from us.
We should be careful of that.
- Giving inaccurate data about the wellspring of a
- Changing words yet duplicating the sentence
structure of a source without giving credit. It is really important to give credits to the one who
own it because it shows that you respect them.
- Duplicating such a large number of words or thoughts
from a source that it makes up the larger part of your work, whether you
give credit or not (see our area on "reasonable use" rules)
However, It's not
wrong to utilize other individuals' words and thoughts. What is wrong is
that presenting those works as your own. And for my opinion, what matter
here is that having an originality as an individual. We should not copy someone
else works because it came from their ideas and perspectives. And in order for
us to avoid this commonly problem, we should never forget to cite sources and
we should put the quote (“) sign, When we used somebody’s work.
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